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Pokémon Sapphire Version - GBA All in 1!


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Gemiddeld krijgen we Pokémon Sapphire Version 7,2x per maand op voorraad. De prijs 81.49 euro, is een indicatie.

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Boxshot Pokémon Sapphire Version

Afbeelding voor  Pokemon Sapphire Version

Game trailer



Platform: GameBoy Advance (GBA)
For:GBA (SP/micro) & DS (lite)
Genre:Adventure, RPG, Strategy
Age:3+ years
Supported:GBA Link Cabel

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Images for Pokemon Sapphire Version


Here you see Brandon and May together with the three Starter Pokemon from the Hoenn Region.
Here you see Brandon and May together with the three Starter Pokemon from the Hoenn Region.
Embarking on an adventure to the next challenge! Here you can see one of the many routes in the game.
Embarking on an adventure to the next challenge! Here you can see one of the many routes in the game.
There is so much water in Hoenn.
There is so much water in Hoenn.
Here you see Kyogre, the Pokémon that is central to this game!
Here you see Kyogre, the Pokémon that is central to this game!
Afbeelding voor Pokemon Sapphire Version


Reviews for   Pokemon Sapphire Version

Reviews Pokémon Sapphire Version

6 reviews - average rating 9,1

22 jaar
New Pokemon for GBA
Pokemon Sapphire is the very first Pokemon game for the GBA! The colors pop on the screen and there are many new Pokemon to discover. Additionally, the HM Dive has been added. With a water Pokemon, you can now dive underwater. Just like in other Pokemon games, you have to defeat gym leaders to become the best trainer. However, you are opposed by team Aqua. Team Aqua wants to submerge the world of Hoenn in water. The new Pokemon look fresh. If you want to catch the 'traditional' Pokemon, you'll need to trade with the other Pokemon games (Fire Red and Leaf Green).

In addition to the regular Pokemon, there are many legendary Pokemon to be found. It takes effort, but you know, you gotta catch 'em all before you can call yourself a Pokemon master.
Pokémon Sapphire Version

27 jaar
Very similar to previous Pokemon games but definitely worth buying for a true Pokemon fan
Pokemon Sapphire is a game that you can keep playing for dozens (perhaps hundreds) of hours. Although the game is almost the same as the earlier Pokemon games, in Pokemon Sapphire you can explore an entirely new region with over 100 new Pokemon. I played this game when it was released and completed it within a few days. Then, of course, I tried to catch all the Pokemon but this took longer than expected.

In the years that followed, I still played it about 2 to 3 times. In my opinion, this Pokemon game (along with Pokemon Ruby) is in my top 3 Pokemon games. Definitely worth buying!
Pokémon Sapphire Version

23 jaar
Beautiful blend of the familiar and innovations
Even years later, Pokémon Sapphire is still a fun game. A beautiful mix of the classic Pokémon experience and enjoyable innovations such as a secret base, new TMs, and of course, plenty of new Pokémon.
Pokémon Sapphire Version
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14 jaar
Definitely Worth the Money
I think Pokémon Sapphire is truly a fantastic game. Everything looks cheerful, you can easily play through it like in any other game with the strongest attacks and your favorite Pokémon, but you can also play it strategically. I find the game to have a very good storyline compared to other Pokémon games, and you can catch a lot of Pokémon from generations 1 to 3. Trading is also a lot of fun, as well as hunting for Shiny Pokémon. I recommend the game to everyone, but try not to rely solely on Kyogre, as that makes the game a bit more interesting.
Pokémon Sapphire Version

14 jaar
Amazing game! I used to play it a lot on my DS Lite, and when it broke, I bought a Gameboy Advance SP and played it all over again! Brings back a lot of good memories, always a great recommendation for an old Pokémon Sapphire Version game!

22 jaar
Great game
Pokémon Sapphire is a great game that brings back a lot of wonderful childhood memories for me.
Pokémon Sapphire Version
Less reviews.


Wowie! Maak je klaar voor een Fantastisch avontuur met Pokémon Sapphire Version voor de GameBoy Advance! In deze game reis je door de Hoenn-regio, vol met spannende gevechten, unieke Pokémon en een boeiend verhaal. Je speelt als een jonge Pokémon Trainer die de uitdaging aangaat om de Pokémon League Champion te worden. Verzamel en train meer dan 200 Pokémon, inclusief nieuwe wezens die je nog nooit eerder hebt gezien! De gameplay-mechanieken zijn verbeterd ten opzichte van eerdere versies, met prachtige kleuren en nieuwe functies zoals dubbele gevechten en Pokémon Contests. Ontwikkeld door Game Freak en uitgebracht door Nintendo, is dit een must-have voor elke Pokémon-fan!

Historische Context

Pokémon Sapphire Version werd uitgebracht in 2002 en heeft sindsdien een enorme impact gehad op de Pokémon-franchise. Het was een van de eerste games die op de GameBoy Advance werd uitgebracht en introduceerde veel nieuwe functies die later in de serie werden overgenomen. De game ontving lovende kritieken en werd een commercieel succes, wat leidde tot remakes zoals Pokémon Omega Ruby en Alpha Sapphire voor de Nintendo 3DS.

Recensies van Experts

IGN gaf Pokémon Sapphire Version een geweldige score van 9.5/10, en zei: "The new Pokémon and the enhanced graphics make this a must-have for any fan of the series." GameSpot prees de game ook en gaf het een 9.1/10, met de opmerking: "Pokémon Sapphire is a highly addictive and thoroughly enjoyable RPG that will appeal to both newcomers and veterans alike."

Iets voor jou?

Pokémon Sapphire Version is perfect voor zowel jongere spelers die net beginnen met de Pokémon-serie als voor veteranen die hun collectie willen uitbreiden. Deze game is ook ideaal voor verzamelaars die de evolutie van Pokémon-games door de jaren heen willen zien. Of je nu een doorgewinterde Trainer bent of een nieuwkomer, deze game biedt urenlang plezier en avontuur!

Vergelijkbare Games

Als je geniet van Pokémon Sapphire Version, dan zul je waarschijnlijk ook dol zijn op Pokémon Ruby Version, die dezelfde wereld en verhaallijn deelt maar met enkele unieke Pokémon. Andere aanbevolen titels zijn Pokémon FireRed en LeafGreen, die remakes zijn van de originele Pokémon Red en Blue games met verbeterde graphics en nieuwe functies.


Haha! In mijn vrije tijd speel ik graag zelf games, vooral die met mijn beste vrienden Yoshi en Luma. We houden ervan om samen nieuwe werelden te ontdekken en spannende avonturen te beleven. Soms organiseren we zelfs kleine toernooien om te zien wie de beste gamer is! En na een lange dag van gamen, geniet ik ervan om te ontspannen met een warm kopje thee en een goed boek over de geschiedenis van Nintendo. Fantastisch, toch?
Pokémon Sapphire Version

kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Pokémon Sapphire Version

Tips en geheimen, cheats en codes

5 tips: 3 Secrets - 1 Personal tip - 1 Easter Egg/Glitch

How can the tombs where the Regis live be opened in Pokémon Sapphire Version?
In the video below, you can see how to open the tombs where the Regis live in Pokémon Sapphire Version.


You can find the locations of all legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Sapphire on our website. Check out the detailed guides to track down these rare and powerful creatures!
In the video below, you can see the locations of all legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Sapphire Version.


Personal tip:
How can I quickly earn a lot of money with an Amulet Coin in Pokémon Sapphire Version?
12 jaar
You can quickly earn a lot of money by using an Amulet Coin. Give it to one of your Pokémon and have it participate in a trainer battle in Pokémon Sapphire Version. Once the battle is over, you will receive double the prize money.
Read more tips and secrets.

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
What are some glitches in Pokémon Sapphire?
In this video, a few glitches in Pokémon Sapphire are showcased.


How can you get Rayquaza in Pokemon Sapphire Version?
One of the strongest Pokémon in the game is Rayquaza, how do you get this Pokémon in Pokémon Sapphire Version?

1. First, you need to have defeated the Elite 4, otherwise it's not even possible.

2. Go to Mauville City and switch your bike to the Mach Bike.

3. Fly to Pacifidlog Town.

4. Then swim (dive at the Pokemon Center) to the right until you encounter a red-haired lady. Then go up and to the left. You should now reach the cave.

5. Continue your way through the cave and end up at the Sky Pillar.

6. You have to make your way through the Sky Pillar. Once you've done that, you'll encounter Rayquaza lvl. 70!

7. Do your best, because catching it is the hardest part if you don't have a Master Ball anymore. So save your game before you battle it!

Good luck!!

Less tips and secrets.
Afbeelding voor Pokemon Sapphire Version


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