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Jazz Jackrabbit - GBA All in 1!


Jazz Jackrabbit
Bestel vandaag voor 18.00u, morgen in huis.
6 Maanden garantie
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Boxshot Jazz Jackrabbit



Platform: GameBoy Advance (GBA)
For:GBA (SP/micro) & DS (lite)
Age:3+ years
Multiplayer:With 1 game pack!
Supported:GBA Link Cabel

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Images for Jazz Jackrabbit


Play as Jazz, the coolest rabbit-like hero ever!
Play as Jazz, the coolest rabbit-like hero ever!
Use a flamethrower to outsmart all your opponents!
Use a flamethrower to outsmart all your opponents!
Jazz is as fast as a hare!
Jazz is as fast as a hare!
Only this green hero can save the universe!
Only this green hero can save the universe!
Afbeelding voor Jazz Jackrabbit


Reviews for   Jazz Jackrabbit

Reviews Jazz Jackrabbit

1 review - rating 7,5

16 jaar
Good game, but it's an insult to the Jazz Jackrabbit game series and its fans...
Jazz Jackrabbit is a game based on the Jazz Jackrabbit series. It's not developed by the same developer (Epic Megagames) as the other games, but by Game Titan, and approved by Epic Megagames. It's a pretty good platformer, but... It's not the same as all the other Jazz Jackrabbit games.
It looks different, has different mechanics (like fall damage), the helicopter ability is there, but hardly necessary. His sprint ability, which Jazz is famous for, is gone, and instead of his LFG gun, he uses real pistols. It feels more like a Star Wars game/Han Solo version than the real Jazz Jackrabbit.
Overall, it's a decent game, but it shouldn't really be Jazz Jackrabbit, as this isn't the real Jazz.
If the game had a different name with a different character, it might have been a hit.

kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Jazz Jackrabbit

Tips en geheimen, cheats en codes

4 tips: 3 Cheats and Codes - 1 Secret

Cheats and Codes:
How can I earn 5000 Bonus Credits in Jazz Jackrabbit?
Big Boss
An even better credit code, this one will get you 5000. Pause Jazz Jackrabbit as usual and enter the following:

Up, Right, Down, Left, L, L, Right, Left, R, R, L, L

If you need more money than this, you can also stack the other credit codes at this step.

*Note: just like the other credit codes, this one can only be used once per game.*

Cheats and Codes:
How do I earn 1000 bonus credits in Jazz Jackrabbit?
Big Boss
To earn 1000 extra credits, pause Jazz Jackrabbit and enter the following:

Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, L, R, L, R, R, L

Yes, this code stacks with the 500 bonus credit code, for a total of 1500 bonus credits.

*Note: This code can only be used once per game*

Cheats and Codes:
How can I give myself 500 bonus credits in Jazz Jackrabbit?
Big Boss
To give yourself 500 credits, pause Jazz Jackrabbit and enter the following:

Right, Left, Right, Left, L, R, Up, Up, R, R, L, L

Note: this code only works once per game!
Read more tips and secrets.

How can I unlock the following levels in Jazz Jackrabbit?
Big Boss
Follow the steps below to unlock the following levels in Jazz Jackrabbit!

Castle 3:Defeat the terrible snow turtle (Mission 3)
Pack 3:Defeat the king of the chameleon (mission 1)
Pack 4:Defeat Saurian General (Mission 2)
Desert 1:Defeat the giant mecha turtle (mission 4)
Desert 2:Beat Dark "Devan" Shell (Mission 5)
Less tips and secrets.
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