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Golden Sun - GBA All in 1!


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Golden Sun
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Boxshot Golden Sun

Afbeelding voor  Golden Sun

Game trailer



Platform: GameBoy Advance (GBA)
For:GBA (SP/micro) & DS (lite)
Age:3+ years

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Images for Golden Sun


Golden Sun is a legendary RPG adventure that will provide you with hours of gaming fun.
Golden Sun is a legendary RPG adventure that will provide you with hours of gaming fun.
The environments you need to explore are very vast and offer a lot of variety.
The environments you need to explore are very vast and offer a lot of variety.
During your journey, you will meet a variety of intriguing characters.
During your journey, you will meet a variety of intriguing characters.
If you
If you're looking for an immersive game with a captivating story, give Golden Sun a try!
Afbeelding voor Golden Sun


Reviews for   Golden Sun

Reviews Golden Sun

3 reviews - average rating 9,5

30 jaar
Do you love RPGs?
Golden Sun is an RPG for the Game Boy Advance. It was the first RPG I ever played when it was released. I was immediately hooked, what a fantastic game!

The battles look really good. You give commands each turn for each of the 4 characters and then they are executed based on their speed.

In addition to regular attacks, you can also use psynergy (magic) or one of the numerous different djinn. These are like little creatures you can collect, each with a unique application in battles. By using these djinn, you can eventually summon powerful summons. They look truly magnificent!

The story is really worth it, there is a lot of exposition (that you can't skip, but I found this anything but annoying). But keep in mind that the game ends on a cliffhanger. I was surprised by this at the time. Only later did I realize that a sequel would be released (Golden Sun: The Lost Age) that seamlessly continues the story.

Golden Sun set a standard for me for all the RPGs I would play in the future, considering it was my first RPG. But few games lived up to my high expectations.

27 jaar
Fun, engaging, entertaining adventure game that every gamer should hold dear to their heart!
Hello readers. My opinion is simple: I find Golden Sun a very fun, entertaining adventure game. This is a role-playing game that every gamer should definitely give a try. It takes place in a 2D world. You control a character and interact with many people, experiencing all sorts of adventurous events. You have powers that allow you to move stones (which is crucial in the game) and can also use other abilities (which I won't spoil :P). The main character in the game is you, and you must find your way and defeat evil. While playing, you encounter enemies that you have to attack in turns. This is done very well: the attacks themselves look beautiful and colorful. You also collaborate in a team, where you are the one executing the attacks of your team against the enemy (monsters or other creatures!). Additionally, you can have a little creature by your side. It's like a pet that can also attack on your behalf!

16 jaar
A fantastic tale for every RPG enthusiast
The dialogues aren't amazing (which unfortunately we're used to as RPG enthusiasts). The story is good enough to keep you playing. There's truly a lot to see and do! If you're an RPG fan, Golden Sun will turn your world upside down with its elf-obsessed world...


Wowie! Golden Sun voor de GameBoy Advance is een Fantastisch RPG-avontuur dat je meeneemt naar een magische wereld vol mysterie en magie! Je speelt als Isaac, een jonge adept die samen met zijn vrienden de krachten van de Psynergy moet gebruiken om de wereld te redden van een groot kwaad. De game biedt een meeslepend verhaal, uitdagende puzzels en turn-based gevechten die je urenlang zullen vermaken. Ontwikkeld door Camelot Software Planning, staat Golden Sun bekend om zijn prachtige graphics en diepgaande gameplay-mechanieken.

Historische Context

Golden Sun kwam uit in 2001 en werd meteen een hit onder RPG-fans. Het zette de standaard voor wat een handheld RPG kon zijn, dankzij zijn indrukwekkende graphics en complexe verhaal. De populariteit van de game leidde tot een vervolg, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, en later nog een derde deel voor de Nintendo DS. Deze game heeft door de jaren heen een trouwe schare fans opgebouwd en wordt nog steeds geprezen als een van de beste RPG’s voor de GBA.

Recensies van Experts

"Golden Sun is one of the best RPGs to grace the Game Boy Advance. Its engaging storyline and innovative gameplay mechanics make it a must-play." - IGN

"With its beautiful graphics and deep, strategic gameplay, Golden Sun is a shining example of what an RPG should be." - GameSpot

Iets voor jou?

Deze game is een absolute must voor RPG-fans en gamers die houden van diepgaande verhalen en strategische gevechten. Ook verzamelaars van klassieke GBA-games zullen deze titel Fantastisch vinden om in hun collectie te hebben. Ouders, je kids zullen dit avontuur geweldig vinden!

Vergelijkbare Games

Als je geniet van Golden Sun, dan zijn er nog meer Fantastische RPG’s voor de GBA die je zeker moet proberen! Denk aan Fire Emblem en Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Beide games bieden rijke verhalen en diepgaande gameplay, net als Golden Sun. En het beste is, je kunt ze allemaal spelen op je GameBoy Advance of via de GameBoy Player op je GameCube. Wowie!
Golden Sun

kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Golden Sun

Tips en geheimen, cheats en codes

7 tips: 4 Secrets - 3 Personal tips

Personal tip:
How can I move my save file in Golden Sun?
Big Boss
17 jaar
Once you have completed the game, at the title screen of Golden Sun, hold down the R button and Left on the D-pad, then press B. A new option will appear on the right called 'Send'. This allows you to transfer your save file to a Golden Sun: The Lost Age cartridge using a password or with the help of a GBA link cable.

How do you unlock the battle mode in Golden Sun after leaving Vale?
Big Boss
To unlock the battle mode, save your game after leaving the town of Vale. A new option will appear in Golden Sun's menu screen.

How do you get to Crossbone Isle in the Suhalla Desert of Golden Sun?
Big Boss
When traveling through the Suhalla Desert in Golden Sun, you'll encounter various monsters that can create tornadoes on the screen. If you explore the entire desert, you'll eventually come across a gigantic pink tornado. However, do not use the Douse Psynergy to get rid of it. Instead, let yourself be picked up and carried by the tornado. You'll end up at Crossbone Isle, a location not found on the world map, where rare items and a tough boss can be found.
Read more tips and secrets.

Personal tip:
To return to the last visited sanctuary in Golden Sun, simply follow these steps:
Big Boss
17 jaar
Hold down the L button, Start, and Select on the file loading screen before loading the Golden Sun file. Once the file is loaded, Isaac and the gang will be at the most recently visited sanctuary.

How can I give all characters in the game a different name?
Big Boss
Press Select 3 times while naming Robin/Isaac. You will hear a sound, and then you can name Garet, Mia, and Ivan.

To name Felix, Jenna, and Sheba, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, and Select while naming Mia. You will hear another chime, and then you can name those NPCs once you are done with Mia.

Personal tip:
How can I achieve unlimited training in Sol Sanctum?
Big Boss
17 jaar
In Sol Sanctum of Golden Sun, you'll usually encounter monsters until you reach level 5. Here's a way to surpass that limit. Make sure Jenna is at level 1. Let Jenna die while you're in battle with a monster. Don't revive her. Isaac and Garet can now train at any level you want.

Can you reach a bad ending by destroying Weyard in Golden Sun?
Big Boss
During the conversation that follows after cleaning up Sol Sanctum, the Great Healer will ask you if you can handle the burden of saving the world. Say no, and he will warn you that you cannot change your decision after leaving the village. Leave the building. Congratulations, you have completed Golden Sun by destroying Weyard.
Less tips and secrets.
Afbeelding voor Golden Sun


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